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Telecipher Devices

This section looks at cipher machines that worked with teletypewriters.

Just as today's computers represent printed characters as 8-bit bytes using the ASCII code, teletypewriters used a similar code for communications purposes. However, they used only five bits per character, which conserved bandwidth, although it meant that shifting between letters and other characters such as numbers and punctuation marks required sending characters that indicated a shift was taking place.

Thus, we have a family of cipher machines that, before the computer age, was already working in binary code.

Two early American attempts at a telecipher machine were not used in practice, since they were found to be insecure. One was designed by Gilbert S. Vernam for A. T. & T., the two-tape machine, where two punched tape loops of unequal size each provided a current character to be XORed with the plaintext character. The other was devised by Col. Parker Hitt, who was one of America's foremost cryptologists of the World War I era, for ITT, and involved ten cams with 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, and 105 positions, two of which supplied the bits to be XORed with one bit of the current plaintext character.

The XOR or exclusive-or logical operation is the simplest possible way to apply a key to a plaintext to conceal it. This operation is also modulo-2 addition, with the very small table:

   | 0   1
 0 | 0   1
 1 | 1   0

If we view 0 as standing for "False", and 1 as standing for "True", then A exclusive-or B is true if either A is true exclusively (that is, A is true and B is false), or if B is true exclusively (B is true and A is false).

However, the machine devised by Vernam was modified to a form which was secure, and many countries have used similar devices. Instead of increasing the number of punched tape loops used to XOR with the plaintext, the number of key inputs was reduced from two to just one: and that one took a key tape consisting of completely random bits, used only once.

This, the one-time tape, is again the perfect case of polyalphabeticity, which was previously noted as the one-time pad under pencil-and-paper methods.

If anyone is unfamiliar with the alphabet used for 5-level teletypewriters, which is called the Baudot code (although, more accurately, it is in fact derived, with slight modifications, from the Murray code, a later 5-unit printing telegraph code, just as the code for transmitting chess moves by telegraph is called the Uedemann code, for the first person to invent such a code, even though the code actually used is a later one, properly known as Gringmuth notation; also, the International Morse Code, though it has several characters in common with the code of dots and dashes originally devised by Samuel Findley Breese Morse, is actually a revision of his code devised by one Frederick Gerke from Austria, as I have recently learned thanks to Terry Ritter) a table of it is given here.

(In the interests of making complete information handy, the table included is one with some additional information from one of my USENET posts.)

International Telegraph Alphabet No. 5 is the international version of ASCII;

International Telegraph Alphabet No. 1 was a version of Emile Baudot's original 5-unit code, the one that included a 'letters space' and a 'figures space'. (I've seen a web site that incorrectly claims that International Morse, formerly Continental Morse, was ITA 1.)

International Telegraph Alphabet No. 2 is what is most commonly called Baudot; it is the 5-level code derived from the Murray code.

ITA 3 and ITA 4 are obscure, but they are both derived from ITA 2, as are a couple of other codes.

The final code, ten bits long, is AUTOSPEC. All the codes, except for CCIR 476, are shown in order of transmission; CCIR 476 is shown the other way around, being assumed to be sent LSB first as is ASCII.

Characters    ITA 2  ITA 4   ITA 3    CCIR 476 AUTOSPEC
(ITA 2 on left,
some national
ones follow)

Character 32  00000  100000  0000111  1101010  0000000000

Space         00100  000100  1101000  1011100  0010011011

Q 1           11101  011101  0001101  0101110  1110111101 Q 1  q !
W 2           11001  011001  0100101  0100111  1100100110 W 2  w
E 3           10000  010000  0111000  1010110  1000001111 E 3  e
R 4           01010  001010  1100100  1010101  0101001010 R 4  r $
T 5           00001  000001  1000101  1110100  0000111110 T 5  t
Y 6           10101  010101  0010101  0101011  1010101010 Y 6  y ^
U 7           11100  011100  0110010  1001110  1110000011 U 7  u &
I 8           01100  001100  1110000  1001101  0110001100 I 8  i
O 9           00011  000011  1000110  1110001  0001100011 O 9  o ~
P 0           01101  001101  1001010  0101101  0110110010 P 0  p

A -           11000  011000  0011010  1000111  1100011000 A -  a _
S '   BEL     10100  010100  0101010  1001011  1010010100 S '  s "
D WRU $       10010  010010  0011100  1010011  1001010010 D    d
F   % !       10110  010110  0010011  0011011  1011001001 F %  f `
G   @ &       01011  001011  1100001  0110101  0101110100 G @  g }
H   £ # STOP  00101  000101  1010010  1101001  0010100101 H #  h {
J BEL '       11010  011010  0100011  0010111  1101000101 J *  j
K (           11110  011110  0001011  0011110  1111011110 K (  k [
L )           01001  001001  1100010  1100101  0100101001 L )  l ]

Z +   "       10001  010001  0110001  1100011  1000110001 Z +  z
X /           10111  010111  0010110  0111010  1011110111 X /  x \
C :           01110  001110  1001100  0011101  0111010001 C :  c ;
V =   ;       01111  001111  1001001  0111100  0111101111 V =  v |
B ?           10011  010011  0011001  1110010  1001101100 B ?  b
N ,           00110  000110  1010100  1011001  0011000110 N ,  n <
M .           00111  000111  1010001  0111001  0011111000 M .  m >

CR            00010  000010  1000011  1111000  0001011101
LF            01000  001000  1011000  1101100  0100010111
FIGS          11011  011011  0100110  0110110  1101111011
LTRS          11111  011111  0001110  1011010  1111100000

alpha        (all 0) 000000  0101001  0001111
beta         (all 1) 111111  0101100  0110011
SYNC                 110011
repetition                   0110100  1100110

Unlike ITA 3, CCIR 476 has a pattern that relates it to ITA 2: except for the letters B and U, whose natural codes are used for alpha and beta, those ITA 2 characters which have 4, 3, or 2 one bits set are represented by 0x0, 0x1, and 1x1 respectively, where x is the five bits of the ITA 2 character; and 1nnnnn0 represents the characters that don't fit into this range, with again exactly 3 of the n bits set. Note that ITA 3 is a 3 of 7 code, while CCIR 476 is a 4 of 7 code.

Perhaps this is why the newer CCIR 476 is the one US radio amateurs are permitted to use, and do use for AMTOR, while the older ITA 3 was used for ARQ purposes originally. But it's odd to see a new code developed to fill exactly the same purpose as an older code already accepted as an international standard.

ITA 3 was known as, or derived from, the Moore ARQ code, also known as the RCA code. It appears to have been the first code used for ARQ (automatic repeat request) purposes, and to have been invented in or prior to 1946 by H. C. A. van Duuren. ITA 3 was adopted as an international standard in 1956, according to the source which first brought him to my attention.

AUTOSPEC repeats the five-bit character twice, but if the character is one with odd parity, the repetition is inverted. Thus, the parity bit is transmitted with high reliability, and every other bit of the character is effectively repeated twice. It can be thought of the result of applying an error-correcting code with the matrix:

1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

to 5-level characters.

The entries

 F   % !   and
 V =   ;

mean that, for F, no figures shift character is defined by ITA 2; however, the % sign is uses as a national-use figures shift character for Britain. The U.S. figures shift character is !. For V, however, the = sign is defined as the official figures shift character. The U.S. 5-unit teletypewriter code, which is nonconformant to ITA 2, defines ; as the figures shift character for V instead.

After the code bits, there are four more columns of characters, giving the characters used by ASCII over AMTOR. The all-zeroes character is used to toggle between the ordinary character set in the first two columns, and the auxilliary one in the second two. The ordinary character set is that of the international version of the 5-level code, rather than the U.S. version, but the figures shift of J, instead of being the bell, is the asterisk.

Note that there is also an official standard of very recent vintage for using lowercase with 5-level code, which works on a different principle: a LTRS code while already in letters case is used to toggle between upper and lower case.

This standard does not include ASCII graphics characters, but it was designed to be compatible with the use of the all-zeroes code for supplementary alphabetic characters; these characters could have their lower case available using their shift character in the same fashion as LTRS is used.

This new standard works as follows: FIGS LTRS operates as a reset into upper-case mode. In normal upper-case mode, when returning to letters case from figures case, one is returning to upper-case letters.

When in letters case, a superfluous LTRS code switches into lower-case. This is true even when reset into upper-case mode; but then it also clears lower-case mode, so that, whether one is printing upper-case or lower-case, when one returns from printing figures characters to print letters, one begins with lower-case letters.

This is a bit confusing, so I will illustrate it:

ABC [FIGS] 1234 [LTRS] DEF [LTRS] ghi [FIGS] 1234 [LTRS] jkl
[FIGS] 1234 [LTRS] XYZ

Essentially, toggling between upper and lower case with a superfluous LTRS is always on. FIGS LTRS resets (to upper-case, or capitals) only the default letters case that a normal LTRS, used for exiting figures printing, returns to. And that default flips back to lower case the first time lower case is accessed with an (otherwise) superflous LTRS.

Thus, this example proceeds as follows:


One begins by having only figures and upper-case letters available.

[LTRS] ghi [FIGS] 1234 [LTRS] jkl

The superfluous LTRS now switches one into lower-case mode, as well as immediately switching to printing lower-case letters. The FIGS shift still takes you to normal figures case, and a LTRS shift returns you to lower-case letters.

[LTRS] MNOPQ [FIGS] 1234 [LTRS] rst

A superfluous LTRS shift changes you to printing upper-case characters, but the mode remains lower-case mode. Thus, FIGS takes you to printing digits, and LTRS takes you to printing in the default case for the current mode, which is lower case.


A superfluous LTRS toggles between printing upper-case and lower-case, but only moves you from upper-case mode to lower-case mode. To change mode in the reverse direction, the combination FIGS LTRS is required. Once that combination is used, not only do you print in upper-case, but a LTRS shift used after printing figures will return you to the new default case, which is again upper case.

The bits are numbered from 1 to 5, in the order in which they are transmitted. They are normally preceded by one start bit (0) and followed by one and a half stop bits - that is, a 1 level on the wire for one and a half times the time used for transmitting a data bit. In ASCII, the bits of a character are transmitted least significant bit first; since the 5-level code bits don't represent codes in any kind of numerical order, sometimes bit 5 and sometimes bit 1 is taken as the most significant bit, although the tendency has been to treat bit 5 as the MSB because of the use of the same UART chips for ASCII and 5-level code.

And here is a graphical version, showing the standard, U.S., financial, and weather character sets:

The top two lines show the original Murray code, from which the modern 5-level code is derived. (The original Baudot code was completely different.) It too, like the original Baudot, used a letters space and a figures space. I'm not sure about the functions of the line feed and carriage return characters: one of them could be a newline, and the other might have had a different control function. Also, in my reference, the space for the figures shift of A was left blank. My guess is that that should have been a comma.

Incidentally, the reason that this code is not so organized that when the letters are in alphabetical order, their codes are in binary numerical order, as is the case for ASCII, is because the codes were chosen so that the most common letters would have codes that would cause less wear and tear on the moving parts of teleprinters. The following chart shows the scheme by which the codes were assigned:

   lsc                                 lf
1 *     *    *   *  *   *  *  *  ** ** ****
2  *    **   **  **  *   *  * **  * *  **
3   *    **  *** ** * *    *   *    ** * *
4    *    **  ** **  *  *  ** *  *   * **
5     *    *   *  *   *  *  *  * ** ** **** 

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